Firstly, apologies for the long unexplained absence. Actually I'm sure you can guess the main reason for my absence. BABY. Make that BABY + TODDLER! We're still trying to get the hang of going from a family of 3 to a family of 4, and boy that little bundle of baby makes life that little bit more busier. Baby Lola is 12 weeks old now, I know, where's the time gone? While she's generally a pretty chilled baby, sleeping and eating pretty well, trying to balance that with an extremely active 3 year old boy means one tired mamma here. So yes, that's the main reason I've been a bit MIA here, though from time to time you've probably caught me on Instagram (
The other reason for the absence is... I'd lost my blogging mojo. I started this blog 5 years ago as a hobby. It was never meant to be my career, or my main source of income. That's what I have a proper paying corporate job for (yes, boring, boring but that's what pays my bills). My blog is purely meant to be an outlet for me to talk makeup with like minded individuals instead of boring my husband to tears over how many nude lipsticks a girl should own. But lately it just seems like everywhere I turn there are articles on how to increase blog traffic, how to monetise your blog, how to sell advertising space. Aaaaghhh. STOP! And this of course made me feel like I should be doing more with my blog too, which in turn started stressing me out because I didn't actually want to turn it into my career but felt like with my high stats I really should, otherwise I'm being taken for a ride. Again, aaaghhhh. STOP! So I've decided if I'm to continue blogging without feeling like it's a massive chore, then I should just blog about what I want to blog about, not feel obligated to any company, not feel like I need to pimp it out on all kinds of social media to increase traffic, and definitely not feel like I'm being taken for a ride because I'm blogging about a PR sample for free (after all, this is a hobby and the fact that I get sent free makeup is a privilege not an entitlement). Oh and stop reading articles titled Top 10 Ways to Make Money From Your Blog.
*Of course there's nothing wrong with wanting to monetise your blog or turn it into your career, I'm purely taking about how it's not right for me.
So ummm... I've been hauling. Online hauling to be precise. You see in the newborn days there are a lot of sleepless nights, which means nights spent surfing the web at 3am while feeding your baby for the 4th time that night. And surfing the web almost always leads me to online shops so as a result I've ended up with some orders from
Luxola (Zoeva Palettes and a brush),
Belle Bambi (LA Girl Matte Glosses) and
Mecca Maxima (Too Faced Better Than S*x Mascara). I might review them over the next few weeks so keep an eye out for it.
So I've decided to get me some brows. I've got really scraggly brows from years of over plucking which
I constantly fill in every morning. I've decided to save myself 10 mins each morning and get my brows feather stroke tattooed. Now before you freak out and think colour blocked Morticia Adams brows, feather stroke tattoos look more natural as they're drawn to mimic hair. I'm booked in for a consultation later next month, and will be getting the tattoos in early November (the place I chose were booked out until then, surely it's a sign that they're good?!). And of course I will write all about my experience here on the blog... unless they turn out horrible, in which case I'll go into hiding for 3 years until they fade. And in case you want to see what feather stroke tattoos look like, here's a before/after pic from
Lana Tarek Brows. They're not the ones I'm going to for my brows as they were too far for me to travel, but the place I chose had excellent portfolio of their work as well.
Well, that's it from me for now and thanks for hanging in there! I know this was a mega post but I felt like I had to provide this update before normal blogging resumes.