I normally have fairly dry hair, but lately it has become even drier, the split ends more noticeable and more prone to frizz. And if you read my
Beauty Confessions post then you might remember that I don't treat my hair very kindly either. I wash it every day, heat style it every day, but worst of all I play with it all the time, twisting and twirling it till sometimes the ends break off. So really, I have no one to blame for the condition of my hair but me. And perhaps my mum, because I inherited my hair twisting habit from her. Nice one mum!
Look how dry my ends are! And so dull :( |
Anyway, I was doing my research on hair treatments when just by coincidence Tine posted about
how coconut oil had saved her hair! Of course,
coconut oil! I used to use it all the time! In fact I probably still had a half-full jar in the bathroom somewhere. I used to apply it on my hair a couple of hours before showering, sometimes even overnight, then wash it off in the shower. But I stopped using it when my son was born because the first 3 months of having a baby it was like, shower? what shower? you take it when you can. And I promptly forgot about my coconut oil treatments. That is until Tine posted about hers! Helloooo coconut oil!
Last week I went and got a trim to get rid of the scraggly ends of my hair, and now I will make a conscious effort to not only use a coconut oil treatment frequently but also stop playing with my hair constantly. Or at least reduce it considerably. The hairdresser also recommended the
L'Oreal Mythic Oil Shampoo, Conditioner & Leave-in oil to help soften my dry hair so I'll also be using this. The coconut oil I have is by
Spiral Organics which from memory I picked up from the health food isle of my supermarket for less than $10 but that was a couple of years ago so I don't know if the brand is still available. Also, I'm not going to recommend this brand over any others because I don't think it matters, as long as you get pure coconut oil (preferably extra virgin) then you're good to go. By the way, did you know coconut oil is solid in room temperature but turns to liquid when temperatures go above 24C? You can see it in the pic below how it's starting to melt in the palm of my hand.
My plan is to wash my hair only every second day (I may need to get a good quality dry shampoo), use coconut oil as a deep treatment once a week, and NOT play with my hair so much! I'll check back in again after a month to let you know how Operation Healthy Hair is going. Now that it's on the blog I have to stick with it, right?
Have you ever used coconut oil for your hair? Have you had success with it?