December 19, 2013

My beauty confessions

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I read a lot of beauty blogs, I read a lot of beauty magazines, and look I even have a beauty blog of my own so it goes without saying that there are certain things that I know I shouldn't do when it comes to taking care of my hair, skin and nails... but... I still do it. So what beauty sins do I commit? Plenty! 

Here are my confessions.

  • I know I shouldn't wash my hair every day but I still do it, almost - I hate the feeling of unwashed hair, and even though I use dry shampoos from time to time, the reality is that I wash my hair at least 5 - 6 times a week. 
  • I heat style it every day - either curl it, or straighten it... and that's after using a blow dryer to dry my hair.
  • I tease it, I backcomb it, and throughout the day I keep touching my hair.
  • I have a bad habit of playing with my hair to the point that sometimes I make knots and the only way to get rid of them is to cut them. This is a habit from childhood: my mum tells me of many a time when my little fingers would get stuck in my tangled hair and she'd have to cut my hair to free my fingers. 
  • I love finding split ends in my hair and then splitting them further.  

  • I don't wash my makeup off every night. I have no excuse for this, I have wipes, I have cleansers, my only excuse is laziness.  
  • I don't wash my makeup brushes as often as I should. See point above about laziness. I do clean them after a couple of uses with a spray-on cleanser, but washing them each week? Lazy!
  • I never use a primer before my foundation. I know some girls swear by them, but I can't be bothered as that just adds another step to my routine. All I need is some moisturiser under my foundation and I'm good to go.
  • Ok I LIE, some days I don't even use moisturiser! There are days when I wake up and my skin feels good, so I skip that moisturiser step... saves me 5 minutes in the mornings AT LEAST. I'll probably regret it one day, but I'm here confessing my sins so no secrets.
  • I can't be bothered using body moisturiser, no time for it! Although from time to time I will go through intense moisturising routines, but then the laziness takes over. Especially in winter. 

  • I pick at the dry skin around my nails. I even bite them. 
  • Sometimes I try to be good and massage cuticle butter on my cuticles religiously for 3 days straight... then I relapse and start picking at them.
  • I don't use a base coat, even though I know it will make the polish last longer, and prevent staining. 
  • I secretly enjoy peeling off some polishes.

I'm sure there are plenty of other beauty sins I commit, but this is all you're getting from me now. 

Come on, confess, what beauty sins do you commit?


  1. Oh, I love this post! And now I don't feel so bad, because... I barely -- if ever -- moisturise my body. I know I should. I have many bottles sitting in my cupboard. But... I just can't be bothered. And I too bite at the skin around my nails! It's a horrible habit, I know, because I can eat at them so much that they look hideous, but I can't stop! Love these confessions -- and your hair cut! Xx

    1. You know for some reason my hair looks really short in these pics, I have no idea why! I've had it cut about a month ago so no reason for it to look so short.
      And body moisturisers are just soooo tedious to use, I can't blame you for not using it. xx

  2. H d fun reading this! I have so many too!!

    1. I think a lot of people have such beauty sins, nobody's perfect LOL

  3. Hahaha I tease my hair so much too!! But I swear on primers beautiful you should and must try at least one!! ;)

  4. I love your honesty - that takes some courage! Hmm... what can I confess to? I don't wash my makeup brushes nearly enough, I bite dry skin around my nails too, I pick at pimples, sometimes I pick at my nail polish and make the chips bigger. I treat primer as optional - I only wear it when I think my skin's gonna melt in the heat. I'm sure there's more bad habits I have...

    1. Yep glad to know there are so many people with bad habits... oh yeah I forgot, I pick pimples too! :)

  5. Hahaha this was fun to read! I also take terrible care of my nails. I bite them and they split quite frequently, and I love peeling the nail's so gross.
    Would not have guessed you take such bad 'care' of your hair - it looks so good in photos!


    1. Oh trust me my hair is horrible, well the ends are really dry but the rest is ok.

  6. That made me feel better about all my bad habits! I might do a post on it too at some point! My worst habit is picking!

  7. I hear ya, sister! Washing hair too often and not using a base coat!
    Have you tried Nivea's in shower moisturiser? It's such a time saver!

  8. I used to wash my hair every day too, but I found letting it go longer in stages helped get my hair used to it! If you went from daily to every three days your hair would look CRAZY! But gradually spacing it out more and more and employing dry shampoos helped me. It took a few months but I went from daily, to every two days, to now only washing my hair about twice a week. Sure saves money on shampoo and conditioner too!

    As for me... LOL I sure don't wash my brushes as much as I should! I am trying to be better about buying daily sprays to at least get rid of some buildup! I feel like this "rule" is a little passe now, but I tweeze the top of my brows! I also do the split-end splitting thing. I use self tanners, so I don't exfoliate my face as often as I should because I don't want to scrub it all off so often!



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