December 05, 2012

Help me decide: fringe or no fringe?

My fringe (or bangs as some may call them) has grown too long and become unmanageable. It's at that in-between stage where it's too long to be a fringe, but too short to blend into the rest of my hair and I'm undecided whether to cut it again or grow it out. So I'm leaving it to you help me decide what to do. Here are some pics of me with different length fringes. Help me decide!

What do you think I should do? 
Cut it or grow it out? 
Straight/heavy or side-swept?


  1. Oh my, I love all the looks on you! I think the heavy fringe is the most glamorous, but I know that I personally hate having something so thick on my face in the hot Aussie summers. And fringes can always be pinned back to make an instant no-fringe, so... my vote might be with side-swept :: a compromise! Xx

    1. Thanks hun, and I'd completely forgotten we're heading into summer! Although if I go sideswept I can always pin it back so might be ok. #firstworldproblems :)

  2. I like the heavy and the side swept

  3. You look beautiful in all... I love no fringe... you look so pretty.... if you were wanting a fringe though I like side :)

    1. Aww thank you! looks like sideswept is getting the most votes. :)

  4. I vote for the side swept fringe :) Bangs don't suit my face shape (they make it look wider and rounder, not in a good way!) and I'm always so jealous of girls who can rock bangs!

    1. Short and straight across bangs make my face look really round too! NOT a good look. Longer is best, but unfortunately they require frequent trips. Thanks for the vote on sideswept though! :)

  5. haha... Iknow this dilemma.. to fringe or not to fringe..haha you have a lovely faceshape.. so every style would suits you... but I prefer no fringe on you or side swept :)

    xxx Marina
    beautiful me plus you by Marina Bergmann

    1. Thanks Marina! And chances are whatever I end up doing, whether cutting or not, I'll regret it and wish I'd done something different. :-)

  6. Blake says no fringe haha I like side swept or no fringe, but you always look good regardless! Hannah xo

  7. I just recently got the heavy fringe myself, and couldn't be happier. So my obvious vote is Heavy fringe :)

  8. Absolutely no fringe... :).... :P... yu looking gr8 when yu minus fringe....

  9. You look nice in every picture! Out of the first lot, I liked the second picture the best and that almost falls into the sideswept bangs category (almost!!) But no fringe looks the best on you, in my opinion! Shows off more of that pretty face! And you actually make pulled back hair look glam!

  10. I love the no-fringe. We can see more of your lovely face :)

  11. I say the straight and heavy - it looks gorgeous on you x

  12. I like side swept of no fringe best too :) Like Nicole said it means we can see more of your beautiful face

    1. Thanks Jasmine & Nicole, you girls are just too too kind!

  13. Love the heavy fringe! Instant glam - add mascara and a bright lip and you're done.

    1. That's what I'm thinking too, much less effort to glam up.

  14. you look good with or without.

  15. i would say no fringe, or the left picture in the "heavy fringe category" - it looks more sideswept to me :) (because all the pictures in the sideswept category cover your eye too much,in my opinion)
    but you are gorgeous either way :)



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