January 20, 2014

Gold and Brown Cut Crease Eyeshadow Tutorial

I have a tutorial for you today using the fabulous Beauty Cottage Gorgeous Palette that I reviewed a couple of days ago (click HERE for review). Of course you don't have to use this particular palette if you'd like to recreate the look, you can use any similar shades just as well. And what's the bet you already have lots of similar shades in your stash? Well, on to the tutorial now.

Step 1: Use a matte dark brown shade to define the crease. I used Demeter from the BC palette.
Step 2: Use a matte taupe shade to blend harsh edges. I used Medea.
Step 3: Apply shimmery gold eyeshadow all over the lid. I used Hera from BC palette.
Step 4: Apply a mid-toned brown in the outer V area. I used Athena.
Step 5: Apply same mid-toned brown under the bottom lash line.
Steps 6 & 7: Line your eyes and inner rims with a dark brown eyeliner. I used cake eyeliner in Ground Espresso from the Laura Mercier Luxe Colour Wardrobe I reviewed HERE.
Step 8: Apply 2 coats of your favourite volumising mascara. I used Max Factor False Lash Effect.

And there you have it, simple Gold and Brown Cut Crease tutorial that anyone can do. Hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and if there's any specific look you'd like me to do let me know in the comments.
 photo goldandbrowncutcreaseeyeshadowtutorial_zps38935fc4.jpg

Thanks for reading! Xx


  1. Lovely look! It makes your eyes pop!

  2. Gorgeous..!! Thanks for the tutorial <3
    I'm so lazy when it comes to step by step tutorials ;p

    1. I wish I had time to do more tutorials as I really enjoy them, but I don't... and yes, sometimes I get lazy too :-P

  3. Love the crease colour! Look great on you x



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