April 06, 2013

Berry lips

As much as I love lipsticks, there is one shade that I shy away from. Berry. I love how it looks on other people, but on me I'm not so sure. I feel very self conscious wearing a dark lip. I just feel like it makes me look older. However with the weather cooling down here in Australia I've been drawn more and more towards berry tones so in the end I couldn't resist this Rimmel Kate matte lipstick in #107.

It's a beautiful deep berry shade, with just the right amount of coolness to make teeth look super white, but not so cool as to make your complexion look sallow. Overall I love the colour and I love how it looks on my lips, but I'm still not 100% it suits me. Maybe I needed to do a darker eye, or a darker cheek, but I just don't feel that the overall look is pulled together very well. Never mind.

Here are the rest of the items I used in this look.

What do you think of this shade? Are there any lipstick colours you feel you can't wear?


  1. I understand you perfectly!! I bought this shade a couple months ago and I haven´t worn it yet... and I don´t think I will at least until next winter, since summer is approavhing here in Europe...

    1. I might brave it out of the house a couple of times see how I feel, I might get used to it, as I do really like the colour just not on me that much.

  2. awww pigmentation is too good :) looking lovely...


    1. Yes it does have fantastic pigmentation, so creamy!

  3. I think your look is perfect !!! your eye makeup compliments the lipstick. xx

  4. O BTW I love your necklace too :)

    1. Thanks Samra, the necklace was actually an ebay find (i think i cost me less than $5!) :)

    2. Love the necklace too! Can you pass on the seller? Thanks.

    3. Hi Nicole, here's the link to the necklace on ebay. They have worldwide postage http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/300781584615?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649#ht_11064wt_1189

      Happy shopping!

  5. I love berry lips but I've never been brave enough to actually wear them out of the house, this is a really pretty look :-)

    1. Thanks Steff, I love when I see some girls wearing deep berry lips with minimal eye makeup but I'm not sure if I can do it myself. I feel too self conscious!

  6. The colour looks nice, but I do think a darker blush would pull the look together a bit more. Plus, you can get away with that in autumn! I'm too scared to wear darker lip shades (I too feel it makes me look older), but I love the look of Rimmel's Obsession lip gloss and MAC Rebel lipstick so hopefully that'll change this season.

    1. I actually really want MAC Rebel but I'm worried I might not wear it, so this Rimmel on will have to do. I'll try this lippy again with a darker blush, maybe a deep plummy shade and see how I go.

  7. I sooo agree, I don't like wearing dark lipstick because it just makes me look weird..not cute at all. BUT it looks awesome on you!

  8. I have this exact shade. Its not as dark as it looks in the packaging so it comes out looking prettier than expected! Love your blog, please follow back :) x


  9. I have that same lipstick too, it's awesome!
    Looks good on you btw ^^

    A loser like me

  10. I think its a beautiful color on you, the only thing maybe I would try to do differently is try it with a night look of a smoky eye...overall the color looks great...but I think that darker colors look best worn at night and this one would be neat to try with a smoky eye(:

    1. Thanks Kristen, I'll give this another try with a more smokey eye and as you say wear it at night. It's too pretty a colour to just leave to gather dust in my draws!

  11. I kind of agree with you on the darker shades, somehow I also feel that they make me look older and so I dont wear them mostly. Apart from that I don't think purple lippies look good on me ..

  12. I love berry lips as long as they aren't too dark and goth looking! I find I have more trouble with pale beige shades because they wash out my complexion :p

  13. I too always thought that a dark lip had to have a pretty dramatic pairing with everything else but you wear this well! I bought a berry lippy about two weeks back, but like you, apart from trying it on at home I've been too nervous to wear it outside the house! Xx

  14. I like it! It's lovely on you.
    You look like a classic women of old times...xo

  15. I think it looks amazing on you. Berry lips are my absolute favourite because you can wear it bold or create a just bitten lip. I can't wear red lipstick. I don't feel confident wearing it and it shows. xo

  16. Added to my wishlist!! These are the colours i'm gravitating towards these days :) Gorgeous!



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