February 27, 2012

DIY shoe bling and zipper flower tutorial

I bought these nude pumps from Betts a few weeks ago, on sale for around $20 but I haven't worn them since. Despite them being super comfy, they're well... a little blah. So I decided to bling it up a bit with a DIY shoe clip that I made from a zipper.

This was the first time that I had a go at making a zipper flower, and it was possibly the easiest thing to do. I've already bought few different coloured zippers as I want to make some more shoe bling and also brooches.

How to make zipper flowers

  1. Get yourself a long zipper, I used one around 40cms but you can go longer or shorter. The length will determine the size of your flower. Cut the bottom metal part so you can remove the pull. You should end up with two halves of a zipper. 
  2. Take a needle and thick thread and start making a running stitch along the edge of the zipper ribbon (the non-metal side). You'll notice that the zipper will want to curl up, and that's what you want!
  3. Once you've stitched all along the edge, start pulling the thread to tighten the curl and get a spiral flower. Use your fingers to manovour the flower into a shape that you want. 
  4. Once you're happy with the shape, turn it around and stitch the bottom part. It won't be pretty, but who cares. 
  5. Afterwards stitch a piece of felt or any thick fabric like denim to the bottom. I didn't have felt or denim so I stitched a piece of thick elastic to it. 
  6. You can bling up the flower by stitching on a bead or a button to the middle. 
  7. Get a shoe clip finding (blank clip backs) - I bought my shoe clip findings from ebay for around $3.00 for 10 pairs. If you want to turn the flower into a brooch you just use a safety pin instead of the clip finding. 
  8. Stitch the shoe clip finding to the back of the flower and you're done!
  9. Decorate your shoes and marvel at your new found creativity. 

You can add the flower to the front/centre, back/side or front/side - it's all up to you!

Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial, and if you give it a try let me know how you go!


  1. Love the final result! xxx

  2. Love how the flower made an otherwise boring pair of shoes looks way better! lovin your DIY post love!

  3. lovely idea! really making the shoe more statement and plus this is unique!

    Inside and Outside Blog

    1. Thank you so much, the shoes were a bit boring otherwise.

  4. I absolutely love this idea! I need to start doing some DIY's.

    1. You definitely do! It's addictive once you start DIYing. xo

  5. Adorable!!! I need to do this, it totally revamped the shoe!

    1. Do it! I've seen you DIY improve shoes before, so bling it up with a zipper flower next.

  6. That was so effective and cute. Love it Lilit.

  7. Love the idea! I'll definitely give it a try. Thanks for sharing.



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