January 24, 2012

How I store my lipsticks on the cheap

I'm sure you've figured by now that I have a lot of lipsticks. I used to store them in a makeup case and then in the mornings rummage through the case trying to find the colour I was after. It was definitely not effective! And because in the mornings I'm generally rushed for time I'd resort to wearing whatever was already in my handbag as I couldn't be bothered searching anymore.

Then I found this handy little storage solution from Bunnings of all places! It cost around $8 I think ( I don't remember, the husband paid for it as he was paying for his power tools, and paint, and garden equipment and whatever man-things it is he buys from Bunnings).

I store my lipsticks upside down so that at a glance I can see the colour I'm looking for.

It has 6 compartments, I store my lippies in 4 of the compartments and glosses in the other two. I've also got them somewhat colour coded so it makes it even easier to find what I'm looking for.

How do you store your lipsticks?


  1. This is actually such a great idea. I store mine in drawers and i'm always searching for ages trying to find the colour i want, like you did with your makeup case. I'm really jealous of your lipstick collection too by the way!
    Definitely will be picking up one of these to store my lipsticks. Thanks for the idea :) xoxo

    1. It's not pretty, but it's definitely effective! And I do have far too many lipsticks, clearly!

  2. That's exactly what I use to store my makeup in - I have two of them. Two rows for lipsticks - I don't have as many as you :-) and I remove some of the dividers to make larger compartments. I have sections for blush, eyeshadows, eye pencils, lip pencils, specialty bits, etc. I have even swatched on paper all the lipsticks and written their names next to them and taped that to the inside of the lid. I too store then with names/numbers facing up.

    1. That's a good idea, removing the dividers. I might buy another one for every day use makeup items and store them that way. And wow, you're very organised with the names as well! I'm too lazy to do that, then I'll find that over time the label wears off and I've got no idea what it is. xo

    2. I suppose it seems a little odd to have the lipsticks swatched on paper (or over-organised). It's just that I tend to often buy the same types of colours in lipstick (I dupe myself) and then tell myself off for buying the same colour. But when you look closely there are differences and I can see the hues and those differences better this way than just grabbing a colour.
      I'm very excited about your news by the way :-)

    3. Thanks Kath, we're very excited too! xo

  3. looks great. i like the idea of seperating colors

    1. Thank you! It does make it easier to find things in the mornings that's for sure.

  4. wow! this is such a great idea. I will be getting one of these.



  5. It's cheaper than getting those special lipstick storage boxes, but definitely helps to get things organised! xo

  6. what a cool way for lipstick storage .. I am a far far way to get to buying it atm :)

  7. omg that sounds really cool!! bunnings warehouse it is this weekend !!!

  8. So smart! I don't have too many, so I just store them in my two acrylic makeup containers, but that is so much more cost effective!

  9. That's a great way of storing lipstick!

  10. Oh that's so neat and tidy! To have all your lipsticks in one place where you can easily find the shade you're after, that's amazing! I don't have much space in my roon to have all my makeup in display, so I keep a few everyday makeup products in a small drawer unit and once in a while I change it up so to use all products I own... Sigh, let's hope one day I'll have the space I need to buy my own vanity! xx

  11. Totally going to Bunnings, you're a lifesaver Lilit!

  12. wow thats some huuuugge lipstick collection you have!! xx

  13. That is such an amazing idea! I'm really getting into lipsticks a lot more than I used to and now need to upgrade my storage rather than my current mess of lipsticks in a drawer that I can never find anything in!

  14. Every time I read one of your lipstick or blush posts I get more and more jealous of your collection!! You have definitely inspired me more than once in the past to try a bit of colour on my lips :)


    1. Oh I'm glad you're experimenting with colour on the lips. It can make you look instantly put together even if the rest of your face is kept simple. xo

  15. I also have the same issue with them being all over the place. I try to keep mine upside down in what is essentially a pencil case with the lid ripped off but I'd love to have compartments like this! Must search for such a beast immediately!

  16. Great idea! You sure do have a lot of lip products!!!

  17. Perfect lipstick storage! Thanks for sharing it with us Lilit, I'm starting to need new lipstick storage so I'll be sure to look for something like this :)

  18. Love that idea! Mine are in a box in my fridge door, because it gets so hot here and I don't have air conditioning. I just leave them in there year round.

  19. This is a really nice way to store! I have mine in some display thingies - I don't know what to call them - from the container store.

    I'm working on a makeup storage post for my blog, but haven't finished it. This is a pic of my lipstick storage though: http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d133/qwerty_zxcv/left-1-1.jpg

    1. @Project Swatch - I quite like those display/storage things you use, but I guess for me I'd need to buy a lot of those cases as I have far too many lippies. Let me know when your storage post is up, I;d love to check it out.

    2. My storage post is (finally) up! Thanks so much for expressing an interest :) You can find it here: http://projectswatch.blogspot.com/2012/01/interlude-makeup-organization.html

  20. This is such a great idea! I love it! I often have to get ready for shows and photo shoots quickly, and when I don't have a makeup artist, it's a pain to go through all of my lipsticks searching for the perfect one. Thanks for posting this!

  21. Lilit this is genius, I never thought to store lipsticks upside down!!! I'm totally gonna get myself one of these handy storage boxes and steal your idea :)) thanks!!

  22. Great idea! I was at Howard's Storage World today to find lipstick containers, and the only specific ones were hideously expensive. Will go to Bunnings to have a look. Thanks!

  23. Great idea! I use a perspex lipstick holder for the 14 or so I have on high rotation but the rest are just chucked haphazardly in the bottom drawer of my makeup case. I think I'll actually go with Hubby to Bunnings next time rather than stay home. :)

  24. Mine are stored standing up in a little drawer =)

  25. Great idea I love it, I just store mine in those small plastic trays from the dollar store.

  26. I am worried they will melt, mine did.. or maybe because I live in a hot country :(



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