May 22, 2012

33 Week Belly update - the one where I start whinging

The last 3 weeks have been a bit up and down for me. It seems like the pregnancy fatigue has finally caught up with me and I've been going from having absolutely no energy to feeling almost half back to normal. And on those no-energy days all I want to do is curl up on the couch and whinge and complain, but then I'll get a kick or a wiggle from the little one and I'm reminded of how lucky I am.

Reasons I want to whinge
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Dislocated ribs - after a visit to a chiropractor it turns out my left ribs have been popped out of their place requiring weekly realignment. Ouch.
  • Fuzzy brain - pregnancy brain is real!
  • Too uncomfortable to sleep - can't even toss and turn due to the extra weight and the rib pain.
  • Feeling fat and breathless all the time
  • Boy's names are hard to choose!
  • Heartburn is back
  • None of the weight gain has gone to my b00bs - seriously, would it hurt to go up a couple of sizes?

Reasons I feel lucky
  • Perfect little boy growing inside me
  • Already falling in love with his adorable little face - we had 3d scans at 32weeks and he is the spitting image of my husband 
  • He lets me know his food likes and dislikes through his kicks and movements. Ice Cream=Like! Spicy food=Dislike!
  • How easily he was conceived
  • Have had a dream of a pregnancy so far
  • Weight gain has been slow and steady
  • No fluid retention, no puffy face, hands, feet
  • Can still wear high heels - well, within limits
  • Skin has been behaving, no stretchmarks, no pigmentation
  • Wonderful, supportive husband who is an excited daddy-to-be
  • Supportive family on both sides 
  • No hormonal emotional breakdowns

Yep, I definitely have more reasons to feel lucky than to whinge :-)


  1. Thats exciting Lilit!! you definitely have the glow in you!
    Can't wait till your little one is born :)


    1. Thanks so much babe, I can't wait either! xo

  2. Can't wait to see all the pictures of him when his born!

    1. I think I'll go nuts taking dozens of photos of him!

  3. Ahhh so radiant!!! <3 I'm so excited for you *squuuuueeeeeee* not long now!

    1. I know, less than 7 weeks really. Freaking out massively! Eeeeppp

  4. Oh Lilit, you look amazing! Sorry to hear about your rib, but other than that - it sounds like things are going well!
    How exciting! Can't wait to see the little one!

    Sharleena xx

    1. Well with the rib pain I guess the maximum I have to put up with it is 7 weeks as it will all go back to normal once the pressure's off the ribs, but yeah I can't really complain about anything else. xo

  5. How wonderful and I can't wait for the arrival of the perfect little one with a name I can't wait to find out!! Like Adeline said, you definitely have the glow :) beautiful mumma you will be!

    Oohhh must find out what products you're using on tummy for no stretchmarks/pigmentations!!

    1. Aww thanks so much. :-)

      And re skin, I haven't been using anything at all on my tummy. I'm too lazy plus it's too cold! On my face I've been using Moo Goo Full Cream face cream and Kiehl's Midnight Recovery serum at nighttime. I'll have to do a post on the creams one day.

  6. Don't worry about your boobs Lilit - they'll go up a few sizes right after you've had your little boy! You're still looking glam even without decent sleep xx

    1. LOL, here's hoping! And thanks re the glam comment... it's ALL makeup! xo

  7. SO incredibly exciting!! I can't wait to see what he looks like! You look fab! Hope the ribs aren't causing you too much pain though :( dw - everything is worth it in the end when you have your little boy!

    1. Trying to reply to your comment on your Organix post but it won't let me! So I shall do so here.
      I'd be interested in seeing a comparative post between the Organix and Macadamia hair masks when you get around to trying the Organix one! I've read some reviews that say they are dupes but others say the Organix is no where near as good. So mixed, I don't know what to think!

    2. Definitely, all the pain and discomfort will be worth it once he makes his appearance!

      Oh and strange that you couldn't reply on the Organix post. I haven't changed any of the comment settings, weird. And yes, will def do a comparison when I get that one. I still have half the Macadamia oil mask left so once that runs out I'll get the cheaper one and see how that works.

  8. Ah how very exciting!! Can't wait to see the little boy xo My sis has a 6 month old boy and he's the cutest thing in the world!!

    Hannah xo

    PS You look AMAZING!!!

  9. "Dislocated ribs - after a visit to a chiropractor it turns out my left ribs have been popped out of their place requiring weekly realignment. Ouch"

    Please please please speak to a GP about this. Chiropractors are not the same as a medically trained doctor. Their practices are based around ancient traditions not scientific evidence.
    A dislocated rib would mean extreme pain and a trip to A&E.

    1. Aaw thanks so much for the concern. I do have a GP appointment this weekend so I'll be bringing it up with her as well. I've also already told my obstetrician about the ribs being popped out of their place and she said it was fairly common so we'll see what the GP says now. All I know is if I sit down for longer than 30mins at a time the pain kills me :(

    2. So glad you are getting another opinion =)

      =( That really sucks. Totally did not expect that to be a common problem. It sounds terrifying

    3. Apparently as the baby gets bigger and rises higher in the belly it just pushes everything else out of the way, and in a lot of cases pushes the ribs apart. I think once I stop working (i.e. no longer sitting for long periods of time) I should be ok.

  10. Sounds like it's going well so far for the most part, it's lovely that you made a list of all the things you have to be thankful for. Not too long now! You look fantastic in that picture :)

    1. Thanks hun, and yes not long to go now! Scary :)

  11. You look great and it will all be over before you know it and you will want to get pregnant soon after it all ends! lol I had terrible heart burn but cold milk always seemed to help me and it tastes better than gaviscon!

    1. LOL, let me get through this pregnancy before I start planning the next one. But yeah, I can imagine once bub is here I'll forget all about the discomfort and pain. xo

  12. I'm only 21 and a half weeks and I've already complained soo much over stupid little things, I can't imagine how you feel with having to get your ribs put back into place but in 7 weeks time you will have your little bundle of joy to love and cherish. I'm having a little boy too and I agree that boy names are soo hard to decide on, I was totally convinced I was having a little girl and had names all picked out haha.

    Wishing you luck, I'm sure you and your husband will be amazing parents.


    1. Aaw all the best to you too! It does get more uncomfortable as you get near the end but it will all be worth it once bub gets here! xo

  13. You look amazing! I can't believe you only have 7 weeks to go! The dislocated rip sounds pretty scary, I hope it is not too painful.

    1. I know, time just flies! As for the rib, once the baby drops lower in my belly the pain should go away *fingers crossed*!

  14. You look great doll! so happy for you! congrats again!

    xo Jenn

  15. Looking beautiful dear! :) Can't wait to see your baby boy!

  16. OMG I am so happy for you Lilit! ^__^ *pokes your belly through the screen*

    Sorry to hear about the ribs though D: ouch!

  17. You look amazing Lilit!! Countdown till the baby comes:)

  18. Wow...! Lilit... Your a lucky girl.

  19. You are just about the cutest pregnant women I have ever seen. Can't wait to see some pics of the little one




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