April 30, 2012

30 week belly update

Little Baby movements
It seems like in the last couple of weeks our little monkey has taken up karate or kickboxing because his movements are much stronger, and they also seem a bit more coordinated. I can tell he loves marshmallows because everytime I eat some he wiggles around and pushes against my belly. He seems to hate my hair dryer - everytime I'm blow drying my hair he starts punching and kicking all over the place and I can just imagine him punching the walls there "hey, keep it down out there, I'm trying to sleep!". All these movements have left my bump feeling sore and tight, like I've been doing a million ab crunches a day, but I love it, how else would I know that he's doing ok in there if not for his movements.

Rib pain
Aagghh, the muscle pain I'd had in the last 2 months just under my left rib has gotten worse. Previously it was only bad if I'd been sitting down for too long, but now it's almost constant. In fact a few days ago when trying to get out of bed I pulled it so badly that I heard a pop-pop-pop noise followed by intense pain and a burning sensation. I checked with my doctor today and turns out it's actually a pinched nerve which is very common in pregnancy, and will go away after birth. In the meantime all I can do is apply heat packs, do some stretching exercises and not sit down for long periods of time.

Belly touching
Ok, what's the deal with people wanting to touch a pregnant belly? 
In the last week 2 different people at work just reached out, without asking, and stroked my belly. These were people that I'm not friends with. We don't have that kind of relationship. I see them maybe once a year at work conferences. Yet they felt comfortable enough to reach out and touch my belly. WTF? I'm not buddha here that rubbing the belly will bring you good luck, so if you wouldn't touch my belly when not pregnant, why is it ok to touch it when I am?


  1. Wow you look so pretty! Like the cliché, you really have the pregnant glow.

    1. Ha ha ha, thank you! I've had a lot of help from makeup to get that glow :-)

  2. Interesting post and I do agree with the belly touching thing, it would be weird if someone did that when usually they don't even/barely talk to you at all - awkward I would say.

    1. Awkward and rude... maybe I should just reach out and touch theirs, see how they feel :-)

  3. congrats and good luck! you look fabulous! I was pregnant 9 times...can you even imaging how many times strangers touched my belly?!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

    1. LOL, there would have been a LOT of belly touching no doubt! :-)

  4. Bellies are so cute and I always ask before touching, even if I know the person well. It's weird and rude to touch it just like that without asking etc. You look wonderful in that dress Lilit! :) x

    1. I wouldn't mind if they asked, but yes, absolutely rude to just reach out and touch especially since we're not friends AND we're in a professional work environment. And thank you re the dress, have had it for ages and I'm glad it still fits me bump and all :) xo

  5. Aww, you're one of the prettiest mommies I've seen! Lol about your co-workers touching your belly, weird to say the least!

    1. Aaww thanks hun, but I really should take photos in the evenings when I'm exhausted and trust me I don't look pretty!

  6. You look so pretty!
    I am 21 weeks pregnant and fortunately no one (besides my hubby) wants to touch my belly :D

    1. Congrats on your pregnancy! And you just wait till your belly gets bigger, somehow it will become a magnet to strangers wanting to touch it :-)

  7. You look fantastic, I hated the unsolicited belly touching I had a stranger ( Middle aged woman) touch my belly in the super market, I honked her boobs, lol. Its never ok to put your hands on other people, good luck with the rest of your pregnancy

    1. Bahahah, that's hilarious, honking her b00bs :-)
      I don't think I'd be game enough to try that one, but it would sure be an effective way of showing they're invading your privacy.

  8. awww you look so pretty and radiant!! Cant wait to start getting a bigger tummy so I can feel my baby!

    1. Aaw congrats on your pregnancy! I started feeling the baby move at about 18 weeks but with each week it gets stronger and stronger. It's the best. :)

  9. You look amazing Lilit, glad to hear that your little angel is healthy and active. I don't really understand the whole belly rubbing thing, it seems like as soon as a woman becomes pregnant her belly is public domain for people to touch and coo over. So bizarre!

    1. Thanks hun, and you'd think they're touching the actual baby or something... people, it's still ME you're touching. Yep, bizzare.

  10. I'm so with you regarding the belly touching. I hated it when anyone did that to me and made sure it was well known from the start that it wasn't on. Like you said, if it's not ok to touch a belly pre-pregnancy why is it ok during??

    1. It's only happened to me twice so far, but I need to watch out for it now and try to find a way of saying it's not on.

  11. Really you are glowing enjoy the pregnancy for me the the days flew by and before I knew it my little baby was in my hands, have to admit though one I had him I still had a habit of rubbing my tummy like when I was pregnant lol :)

    1. Hahaha, I can see me doing that too! I've become so used to rubbing my tummy at the moment, it'll be hard to stop :-)

  12. Wow Lilit! You're getting towards the countdown now. Exciting!!

    1. I know, 10 weeks to go! Crazy how quickly it's coming around, the due date.

  13. So excited for you guys!!! :) You look amazing, and you've almost got me missing my prego belly :) oxoxo

  14. I've always wondered about the touching a pregnant belly thing. I think a part of it goes back to a primal instinct in the brain to ensure and encourage the fertility of the pack - buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut for modern people it's kind of creepy. I hate being touched just as a matter of principle so I can't imagine people feeling they have a right to.

  15. You look gorgeous Lilit!! Where is that dress from?!

    Omg, people are touching my belly too and I don't like it at all. It's not ok to do it :(

    I'm really happy bubs is moving heaps! He must be very healthy and happy in there! Keep up the good work :D

    1. Thanks babe, the dress is quite old actually. Bought it from Jaquie E several years ago but coz of the wrap style still fits me luckily!

      You must be feeling your bub move now too! It's getting to that stage now. Yeay :-)

  16. Thanks you for your thirty week updates this is the special time for every women, i hope that you are enjoying each and every movement happy http://pregnantweeks.net/



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