
June 30, 2015

She's here...

If you follow me on Instagram then you probably already know this... but I wanted to take this opportunity to formally introduce my little girl, born 2 weeks ago!

This is Lola Evelyn, born 16 June 2015 weighing 4.38kgs and 51cm tall.
A few hours old
Two weeks old and already has the duck face down pat!

After a pretty difficult and tiring pregnancy, labour was relatively easy this time around. It all happened very quickly and my husband nearly missed the birth as he'd gone to get some lunch thinking we still had a few hours ahead of us till it was time to push. Both baby & I were doing fine straight away, so we were able to get discharged early from hospital after 2 days (usually it's a 5 day stay). I know a lot of people say "stay for as long as you can to get rest", but seriously, who can get rest when you have people barging in on you every 5 minutes, e.g. nurses, cleaners, breakfast crew and ladies whose sole job seemed to be to water my flowers!

I remember the first few months after having my son, Luca, we were in a confused and sleepless fog. Your life changes so much after having a baby, you just have no idea until it happens. But this 2nd time around we're finding things relatively easy and I don't know if it's because we've all of a sudden turned into parenting ninjas, or if it's because Lola is a calm and content baby. Maybe a bit of both. She still gets up twice a night for a feed, but that's completely expected at this age.

One of my biggest worries had always been how would Luca, who is very very attached to me, take to having another little person share his limelight. But I'm pleased to say he loves his little sister. He always wants to cuddle and kiss her, and so far we haven't seen any displays of jealousy.
Meeting the baby sister in hospital
Chilling with baby sis on the couch in the mornings

So far the hardest thing about having 2 kids is trying to balance meeting the needs of both kids at once. My husband is on leave from work for a month so it's easy now, but when he goes back to work that's when things could get challenging. We'll just have to wait and see how things turn out. I might be back here soon saying "remember that parenting ninja comment? yeah, we ain't no ninjas!".

Well, things might be a bit quiet around here as I try to get into a new sort of a routine as a mum of two (aaaghhhh, still hasn't hit me!). But thanks so much for your continued support, and feel free to stalk me on Instagram (@lilitsblog) where I'm more active.


  1. Oh wow, congratulations. Lola is absolutely beautiful x
    The Beauty Bloss

  2. Congratulations! You're looking great. And Lola is beautiful :-)

  3. Congratulations! Both of your children are adorable! I'm well on my way to having my first baby... only 2 more months to go... :D

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Congratulations once again Lilit ! Lola looks adorable :)

  6. Congrats! She's a beautiful baby and you're looking great! :-)

  7. Congratulations to you, you all look so happy and healthy, you're doing an amazing job!

  8. First of all, congratulations lovely!!! SOOO HAPPY for you all!!! I've been thinking the whole time about you (seeing you pregnant again) "OMG! She's doing it again! OMG! How brave!!!" You know? But after reading this post I think I'm feeling more brave about having the second baby too :) Yep, you inspired me! You totally did! By the way, Lola and Anastasia are born on the same day - 16th of June! Let's see if I can get to match my second bub's birth day with Luca's Birthday ;) That would be fun! Love and hugs to you all! <3 <3 <3
